Statement from Oregon Democratic Legislators

May 10, 2024

Statement from Oregon Democratic Legislators 

We’ve all seen campaigns where ugly accusations fly in the final days. But we refuse to stand by and allow State Representative Maxine Dexter’s integrity and rock-solid progressive values to be questioned.  

Maxine took an oath as a physician to do no harm and put the best interest of her patients first. She’s taken that same approach as a legislator. She always puts her community first and steeps her policy choices in the evidence. She has earned a reputation as a principled, independent, and effective legislator. The idea that she would ever do the bidding of any group or special interest is offensive and wrong. 

We have all worked directly with Dr. Maxine Dexter. We know she is a person of enormous integrity. She is an effective advocate for this community and always will be. We’ve seen firsthand how Maxine looks at the science, dives into the facts, and works with others to get things done. We condemn these attacks on her character and we are proud to stand together to vouch for her integrity.


Senate President Rob Wagner

Senate Majority Leader Kate Lieber

House Speaker Julie Fahey

House Majority Leader Ben Bowman

Senator Sara Gelser Blouin

Senator Jeff Golden

Senator Mark Meek 

Senator Deb Patterson 

Senator Floyd Prozanski

Senator Janeen Sollman

Senator Elizabeth Steiner

Senator Kathleen Taylor

Senator Aaron Woods

Representative Tom Andersen

Representative Paul Evans

Representative Mark Gamba

Representative David Gomberg

Representative Dacia Grayber

Representative Ken Helm

Representative Jason Kropf

Representative Emerson Levy

Representative John Lively

Representative Pam Marsh

Representative Susan McLain

Representative Daniel Nguyen

Representative Hai Pham 

Representative Lisa Reynolds

Representative Nathan Sosa

Representative Thuy Tran

Representative Jules Walters


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