OPB - 3 central candidates are locked in a fight for Oregon’s safest Democratic seat

By Dirk VanderHart | April 29, 2024

“My campaign is built on a career of listening and caring for our community and using my proven skills and consensus building and leadership,” Dexter said recently at a debate organized by the Portland Metro Chamber, the city’s main business coalition.

The lawmaker said she’s shown the ability to work across the aisle, though she’d be facing a far different political dynamic in the tightly divided U.S. House, where political maneuvering often trumps actual policymaking.

“My kids don’t understand why I would want to go because they don’t believe government works,” said Dexter, who has two teenagers. “That is exactly the reason that I believe we need to go to Congress.”

Read the full story here


Statement from Oregon Democratic Legislators


LWVPDX - Video Voters Guide for US House District 3 ft. Maxine Dexter